Friday, November 19, 2010

Wicked (Harrow version)

I'll give you fair warning that this is a ranty, angry post--then again most of my blog is filled with the like, so you should be used to it by now.

Why AM I filled with such hate for people? Easy, we deserve it. We're flawed, terrible, self-preserving beings who try to make ourselves out to be more. If you've ever worked a personal customer-oriented job, I'll bet you already know exactly what I'm talking about. Pretty much any economic, social, (anything)-al/ic problem can be traced back to the fault of human nature. Thank God for...well, God. Anyways, I'm already going off on a tangent when I really wanted to write about this wicked WITCH at work. She's yet another reason for me not to believe in our kind...

One of my superiors on my entomology team misread a prescribed autoclave setting in Fahrenheit instead of Celsius, and the lady who manages the autoclaves came into our lab this morning and asked her why she was resetting the temperatures IN AN UNNECESSARILY DEMEANING WAY. My superior wanted to double-check that she had made a mistake, and thanked the lady for letting her know of the mistake. The other lady further went on to mock her even though she already admitted tot he mistake, "This temperature wouldn't be much higher than body temperature. It won't sterilize anything!" WELL, CONTRARY to your supposed expertise, witch, the indicator tape showed that our media was sterilized just fine.

Later at lunch...

The witch is sitting with her usual table of crones. Usually she isn't the one doing the talking, but today she had a couple HILARIOUS items to bring to the table:
1. She shared the temperature incident with the entire table, ridiculing my superior who was seated only a couple metres away, but luckily her hearing is not that good. I, on the other hand, could hear the whole story loudly and clearly because she wasn't even discreet in her telling of it. She also made it sound like my superior was being cheeky in double-checking her mistake--what a friggen witch!
2. Story #1 didn't seem to be enough. She brought up another incident where my superior (lacking in English-fluency) made a mistake with reading a label when she was asking to borrow something from the witch. Again, she ridiculed her for misunderstanding the label and this time her cronies upped their previous chuckles to full-blown laughter. Seriously, not even the funniest comedy show I've seen could have made me laugh that loud.

Neither story is EVEN THAT FUNNY. These are full-grown "women"/"scientists" who are supposed to be mature and respectful of each other. When someone makes a mistake, it's not necessary or advisable to bring it up to everyone at lunch as if it's casual conversation. That's just downright embarrassing for the person you're mocking and, even more so, yourself.

From this incident, I learned that this witch had an unfortunate childhood or high school experience that made her into the monster she is today. She lacks:
-Social skills (judging by her inability to ever bring up anything else in conversation)
-Self confidence (evident from her need to put others down to feel relatively "better")
-Respect (for herself and others)

When I overheard this conversation, I actually felt outraged, and I almost lost control of myself. I could feel my face heating up, and I was considering walking over to the next table and punching her witchy face in. In fact, I was mad enough to consider hitting her over the head with a chair, or finding her office and putting some dangerous bacteria or chemical on her doorknob. The anticipated consequences of these scenarios did not go over too well in my head, so I ultimately decided against them. All I know is, even if I was crazy enough to go through with any of those suggestions,

No one mourns the wicked, and certainly no one would mourn you, witch.


  1. sounds like workplace bullying... you could report these incidents

  2. "I would not willingly give you anything that wasn't some sort of fatal virus." - Drew, from Scrubs.

    And while the 'witch' does sound like a sore excuse for a human being, your reactions seem quite...... how to put this delicately, exuberant. Just saying. Don't put bacteria in my food.
