Thursday, March 18, 2010

EUCHREKA--wait, wha?

Soo...I started off my entire blog trying to keep everything cohesive, and logical by using fonts styles/colours in a reasonable order (i.e. the RAINBOW), but I realize the aesthetics of my posts are just as instrumental in getting out my emotions as the content--in fact, considering how much I just blab about nothing with a bunch of redundant, unnecessarily extraneous, essentially, even irritatingly, quite possibly meaningless, and incredibly lengthy adjectives, I should try to keep things shorter.

For a refreshing change, I'll stop sharing my unfounded opinions, and just update my remaining few friends on how I am. On several occasions, my close friend Randall has complained that whenever asked "how are you?" or the chic-er version "sup", I always give a crappy, non-descript answer, which frustrates him. Consequently, not really being a fan of the lame-o statement we have come to know as the apology, I've decided to speak louder through the action of posting an update of what I've been up to in this post.

Let me reiterate pokemon #... 152.5, I believe? That's right, iPwn mew.

Pokemon: Christiemon

Status: Poisoned--food poisoning...from a stupid sausage dish that I made myself, to be exact. MAN! This makes me so mad because I actually stopped voluntarily eating sausages about a year ago, but NOOOoooo, my friend John has to say "Sausages are so cheap! I guess you're so filthy rich you don't need to worry about money..." So obviously, being a weak-minded 19 year old, starved hobo, I bought sausages and caved to this pressure from peer John. But anyways...I have had food poisoning for the past few days because I refuse to throw up. Summing up all the juicy details, I have been going to the washroom a lot and I haven't been eating or sleeping much.

Health: If you had the most updated version of Pokemon, my health bar would currently be reddish-orange, if they have the health bar...not sure.

Mood: Tired. Tired. Tired. HHHHHHYYYYYYYPPPPPPPPEEEEERRRRR! Imeanlikewhowouldn'tbewhentheweatherissooooooooofriggennice! In addition to the fact, that I've been feeding my euchre addiction every night. Psh, who needs Zz's? They're the last letter of the alphabet for a reason. Ohandiforgottomentionthefactthatiwenttoalightsconcertonfriday--with my soulmate, nonetheless. $10. ^-^V Konnichiwa (dunno how to spell...). We ALMOST went on my first pub crawl. Yeah, you know you're sad when you don't have the will power or determination to seek out a bar. Essentially, you have proven that nothing in life can possibly motivate you.

Secret Ability: Epiphany. Yeah, I never mentioned this one before. Hence s-e-c-r-e-t. Who knew I could pwn mew AND be like one of the unknowns (p.s. apologies for the spelling...I have a feeling it's one of those pun pokemon names with a diff spelling than boring social convention). So recently, once I had charged up enough PP to use this ability, I discovered why I am "nocturnal". This revelation came about through a number of observations actually:
1. I am taking forever to complete my silly little PD 2 report.
2. I haven't been keeping on top of my courses and activities because I am addicted to euchre.
3. I'm too lazy to make myself dinner...been eating out a lot lately...:( Sausage situation surely sdoesn't support sthis.

So what did I determine? WELL...I don't think I'm actually a night person. I'm just INCREDIBLY lazy---well maybe it's credible for some of you. Basically, the reason why I sleep in is because I'm too lazy to get up. The reason why I don't sleep is because I'm too lazy to sleep. I don't know how that's possible, but I have done it...achieved the impossible.

I suspect my laziness comes from years of working hard and being a diligent, parentally-obedient little Asian. You just get tired of doing the "good" thing all the time. Grade 11 and prior, I hardly went out with my friends, never partied, never had alcohol without my parents present, never had cable TV, and my parents would cut the Internet whenever they wanted. Grade 12 rolls along, and I stop wanting to do my work, cut back on just studying the bare essentials, look for fun things to do...and here I am. Poor grades. Poor health. Poor habits. Poor cooking. Poor social skills. Rich in problems.

Anyways, I guess I ranted enough for one post/essay. Time to go do one of the few things I still enjoy: Play clarinet in the uni orchestra :)

P.S. I can get you free tickets if you're interested in seeing our concert. I forget what day it is, but look us up on the UW website. I'm too lazy to link you, sorry.

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