I just wanted to say a few short words on movies. They're great in that you don't have to watch a whole 30+ episodes to have consumed the media work in its entirety (vs. TV shows). But like my cousin, I too have recently found myself losing the attention span for even movies. For example, everyone has pretty much only said good things about Interstellar. I get that it might in actuality be a great movie, but I have no interest in watching it. Something about the duration and the fact that it's a "space" movie--"but it's such a GOOOOOD movie"--I get that yet I still somehow can't bring myself to care about seeing it.
Anyway I'm going off on a long-winded tangent as usual...back on track I just wanted to say that it's a pretty common thing for people to come up with lists of their favourite movies or maybe just a few all-time favourites (usually because it's a common small talk topic: "so what's your favourite movie?...What kind of movies do you like to watch?", etc, etc.). I feel like people actually have two lists of "favourite movies".
The first list is the one that is socially acceptable. This is the one more commonly divulged, and it is usually comprised of movies that were popular at some point or another...tending to be some timeless classic or of the more recent variety. The second list only ever comes out if the person feels immune to your judgement. This is the list of movies that person actually enjoys but for whatever reason can't admit to liking to just anyone. I guess if someone admits to having weird movie favourites, you should consider yourself lucky. You're likely in their good books and they're comfortable opening up to you a little.