Monday, June 13, 2011

My Herbaceous Sprouts

Not sure if I mentioned it in my past food flings post, but I love herbs. In pasta, in salads, or simply by themselves--they're yummy. :)

Let me back up for a second...

Last Friday, I went to see X-men: First Class--if you've seen it and you have EYES (at the least), you probably already know that it's an awesome movie. For those who haven't WISELY taken the time to see the movie yet, there's a scene in it where the young X-men recruits are discussing their code names. This is when I realized their names are unique and pretty cool. Anyway, seeing the new movie inspired me to rewatch all the movies in chronological order, so I started with the first X-men movie on Saturday night--and I realized that Rogue and Storm are pretty cool names too (Jean not so much--does she even have a code name...?).

And we're back where we started...

One day when I was bored (sitting on the toilet, if you're one for details), a strange thought came to me: herbs have elegant, unique names. I think I'd seriously consider naming my child an herb. Probably one of my favourites: Oregano or Basil (if it's a guy) and Parsley or Mint (if it's a girl). Although it's my nemesis in the world of herbs, I have to admit that Coriander is a pretty sexy name for a girl too. Anyway, I think you get the point: my child will have a crazy superhero name or that of a herb. I understand if you feel sorry for my offspring--stuck between a superhero complex and a leafy green place.

But seriously, people have named their children worse things, right?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blue in More than my Face

Lately, I've been feeling super angry/frustrated/annoyed/disappointed at/in everyone--even more than usual. I've tried to be objective and carefully considered the possibility that it's PMS, but I don't think it's (near) my time of the month for a little while more. Other than that, I can't really think of any reason for why I see everyone as one shade darker than the usual black these days. It's not because of overstudying or anything like that...I haven't been studying that hard for the past couple weeks. I've actually managed to include exercise into my university routine :) Since, in my blackened state, I have a lot of things to complain about, I've divided this post into a few major sections for convenient, selective navigation.


I bought a shoetag membership that lets me get into any of many fitness classes--all for $50! Last week I went to the one called "Boot Camp". It was pretty good, and I like how the intimidating name keeps away most non-serious exercisers. It's not as intense as it sounds (definitely not like those weight loss programs where the instructor yells at you demeaningly/motivatingly), but it's good enough to give me a great workout in my flabby, unfit state. There were only 6 people in that class, and I really liked how the instructor pushed us. She covered suicides (to Kesha, oh joy), core workouts on bushi (?) balls, some exercises with weights, step exercises on the bushi balls, and other core stuff without the ball. Major downside was that my arms were seriously messed up for a couple days after. Whenever I forgot about my temporary disability, I would fling open a door as I usually do and immediately feel as if my arm was about to dislocate itself.

On Monday, I tried the "Kickboxing" class. Too many people went, and there were actually two guys in this class. I almost got kicked in the face by some noob who wasn't even kicking properly. Anyway, I'm not sure if it was the class itself or because the standard had been set so high by "Boot Camp", but this one was a breeze. She basically led us through some aerobic exercises with the different punches incorporated into the routine, as well as some kicking. I didn't really feel anything during the class, but just to punch the air made me feel good; I think I have an addiction to punching. Apparently, it also affected my muscles a bit because I felt some stiffness in my arms and legs the next day. Not only was the content and class size inferior to the first class, but so was the instructor. She was some Asian woman who didn't push us that hard. She couldn't even handle the exercises she was supposed to lead, she had difficulty counting sometimes, and she didn't do a lot of the exercises. Instead she would walk around "making sure" that people were doing things correctly, but she was flaming red in the face. I wanted to laugh at her but didn't. My advice: stick to badminton.


So I got the first quiz back for the 241 lab, and I didn't do so well even though it tested us on things like how to write a lab report. Like seriously?! I knew all my stuff, but they were looking for extremely specific things for each question. I knew that stupid Appendix on how to write a lab report by heart, but no. The stupid laws of acadaemia screwed me over. Man, I was so mad that I immediately blamed the TA who marked it, but maybe I should just blame myself for being a retard. Of course I didn't voice any of my feelings to the TA herself. Seems it was sufficient to just witch about it to my lab group. I'm such a nice person :)


I had a question about whether the material she covered in class about twins was testable or not. It seemed like one of those interesting topics she just threw in there for fun, and I wanted to confirm that it would be on the exams so I can prioritize my studying, since that course is extremely I emailed her, and she gives me this snarky response asking if it was so terrible to learn about twins in an embryo course, and that I would have to know it depending on my future plans and what mark I wanted to get in the course. Sure, you're a foreign Russian lady very knowledgeable in the natural sciences but you have a serious language barrier to overcome. She didn't understand that I was asking with the intent of prioritizing and focusing my study efforts. Surprise surprise, I'm taking more than just embryo this term, and I DON'T live and breathe schoolwork.


Not sure if I've mentioned this already or not, but I've joined the food bank club this term. It's a confidential service catering to students who are in financial need. You just have to stop by with your student ID and take whatever cans of food you want, within the set limits. It seems like a good cause but as my friendly verily pointed out to me from the start, they need to improve their marketing.

Well, from the very moment I attended the general meeting, I discovered marketing wasn't the only area they had to improve--and far from it! The execs were a joke. They were like 12 year olds standing in front of us, barely able to talk because they were giggling. Furthermore, when they did get into talking, they didn't explain anything about the food limits or how to man the office during our shifts. Luckily, my friend Daniel has been in the club (when it saw the days of half-competent management) and he told me what to do. They also announced they were taking exec applications, and I decided to apply for Attendance Exec just for fun and because I didn't want too much time commitment.

I figured, well, at least they'll just pick execs, and if I happen to get chosen, I will do my best to help the club out. Turns out they can't even pick execs properly. 5 people applied for the Attendance Exec position, 5 Attendance Execs were chosen. When I saw this, I couldn't believe my eyes. How can these two incompetent girls have ever become the execs? This club has a great cause and seems to have some great connections, but sadly its ruin is imminent with these two fools in lead. ALL the responsibilities of the Attendance Exec would have been a minor task even for a single individual. But NO, they want to spread it between FIVE people, creating more work by dispersing database responsibilities between multiple individuals. I was even willing to give the "Attendance team" a try, but when we couldn't even coordinate a mutually open time to meet, I gave up the facade. I sent an email resigning from the position even before the ridiculousness of it started. I know I saved myself and the club a lot of trouble.


It seems almost redundant and unnecessary but I will state it again. Friends are a matter of convenience. We hang out with those who are available at the right place at the right time. Don't expect others to go out of the way for you; you can really only ever fully trust yourself. DESPERATE and YEARNING for friends? --settle for family. Even if they get tired of you or WANT to ditch you, they're forced to spend time with/tolerate you.


I'm pretty much sick of euchre and the people in it. Someone made a demeaning comment of how Biomed students get to take so many electives (as opposed to Chem). First, understand that I still feel like I'm in Scibus even though I recently made the switch to Biomed, so that has nothing to do with my opinion on this matter. Second, you really have no right to be talking crap about another program that could ultimately pursue the same end as you. In fact, you're the idiot for not choosing the most strategic route. You could have enrolled in Biomed and taken the SMARTER route with the Chemistry you love and the electives to boost your grade or manage your workload from term-to-term. Then again, if you were in Biomed, you wouldn't be able to convince yourself how special you were to focus on "pure" Chemistry. My bad.

It also makes me laugh in incredulity at how haughty and self-absorbed the execs are. Seriously, you're the exec of a CARD club. Also, I hate losing. I hate losing even more when it feels unjustified. Lady Luck obviously hates my guts...hmm, maybe I should learn to rig decks? After all, I seem to have the dexterity of shuffling down pat. :)


Something random: I don't like gay guys. Why am I being so discriminatory and close-minded, you may ask. Actually, the thing is, I don't mind homosexuality at all. Although I am both conservative and Christian, I don't have a problem with same-sex relationships (my unconventional Christian beliefs are a story for another time).

Not sure if I've said it before, but if I was a guy, I would probably like guys too. So what's my beef with gay guys? Simple, they're just like girly girls, and I hate (girly) girls. Self-absorbed, superficial, and full of whatever other derogatory s-words you can think of. Yes, you know the one I'm talking about. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with ALL girls or even girls showing their estrogenal roots from time to time, but there's only so much GIRL I can tolerate. My only favourite female heroines on TV are Piper Halliwell and Lois Lane for good reason. They are smart, level-headed, and sexy all at once. Girly girls and gays? Not so much. Like, 10 thumbs down and, like, a spit on their, like, skanky skirts and, like, uggs.

But yeah, long story short: now is not a good time to poke me with your joking jibes or teasing insults...I just might end up killing you.

P.S. I know my writing is usually sarcastic and ridiculously exaggerated but I'm not so sure this one is...